Saturday, July 16, 2016

July Urban Sketchers' and a Journal Demo at Jerry's

We went to the LBJ Library and Museum today for the Urban Sketchers' group.  Didn't even go inside...  But it was a nice breezy morning, and aside from all the ants crawling around (no bites), it was okay...

I made Iraida do a few quick-minute sketches to help her get faster.  She's been saying that she'd like to speed up her sketches and not mind the details so much, so I took the exercise from Dr. Sketchy...

The quick sketches made it easier to get to the longer sketch of the library.  But it was still a sketch...  I think by the time I finished, Iraida was just starting (from top down) on the columns...

We would have stayed longer, but it started getting hot.  So we packed up, got some lunch, and headed off to Jerry's for Sharon Z's demo...  

I tried to talk Sharon into writing a book on how to make and compose sketchbook pages.  There are so many books that show samples of sketchbooks and journal pages, but there are few that actually explain or teach how to make good pages to the novice.  I figure that they start making those pages themselves after years of practice.  This book, the book I tried to talk Sharon into writing, would help the novice to get there much faster.  It's really about composition, layout.  You can continue working on the drawing and sketches, continue to practice and learn with all the many pages that you create...

Sharon did say that people have been bugging her to write 2 books:  calligraphy and journaling.  And she made a half-handed comment that I could help her with the journaling one.  Perhaps I will send her an email so that she has my contact information, and I can help her to actually do it.  That would be pretty freakin' awesome!  :-)

Oh, and my brother's pages...  I'm so proud of him for actually trying and sticking with it.  He didn't even want to be there, and he did a great job...

June 10 - Urban Sketchers' Meet Up at Mozarts

I haven't posted any of these, so I suppose it's time...

If I can figure out how to post them on the meetup page with relative ease, then I will...

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Thanks Iraida!

Yay!  I found me an artsy-fartsy friend!  Iraida and I have been hitting and missing as far as days out to draw, but we made the last Urban Sketchers date and saw a pastel demo on the same day.  I only wish there was more time to hang out...

Anyway, a day or two (or three) ago, she sent me a drawing challenge:

Not really sure where she got it from, but as long as she keeps sharing what she's doing with me, it helps me to stay motivated to try to keep up as well...  So, here's days 1, 2, and 3:

Only 27 more days to go!

And this Saturday will be another Artsy-Fartsy day, with an Urban Sketchers outing in the am,
and a Jerry's demo in the afternoon -- a repeat, actually, of Sharon Zeugin, who I liked very much, with her making us make a journal page of our own during the last demo...