Wednesday, February 17, 2016

2 More Assignments done.

Here are two more assignments from the SketchBook Skool Playing class.

Dot drawing... checking out what happens when you lay one color over another.  I used primaries.  
I suppose it's a learning experience, but I found it unexciting.  

On the other hand, I loved making INK MONSTERS!  Blow some ink around, and then do something with it!  It was fun.  And I was surprised how scared my kiddos were to be creative.  They had no problem blowing the ink around, but then had a hard time turning them into monsters.  I think they wanted the blots to be something, to look like something.  But I had fun being creative with the blots, and I think I'll have to do more in the future!

And a quick sketch for the day...  my google smile!
Back from when I was pregnant and didn't even know it yet.  (I may have been days pregnant at this point, and it was already affecting me -- I remember how wiped out I was after that bike ride!)

Monday, February 15, 2016

I've got some catching up to do!

Yikes!  I didn't realize that I'm 2 weeks behind!!!  I have loads of excuses, but let's just skip them...

Here are two that I found at work today cleaning out my desk...

This one was the one that I had done at school, and it went along with the watercolor pencil one that I did at home.  I used markers since I was at school.  I should do more of these; it really is quite relaxing and fun.  

And this is one that I colored around Halloween, so not original, but coloring is Artsy-Fartsy too!  For this one, I used my Faber-Castell Pitt Pens.  

I still need to find the journal I had for school.  So many drawings in it that I didn't record here.  That said, I may have brought it home.  I should look in both places, and really try to get it back.  

Here's my blind contour drawings of my left hand.  

I also added another flower to my bouquet, a quick watercolor sketch of a bluebonnet.  I have one more flower to go before I can frame it for my mom and abuelita.

And here's the actual "bouquet" - which I started doing with a prompt from Illustration Friday who knows when.  Obviously, I did not finish the assignment that week, but I'm okay with that...

So I thought I had counted the number of things I've done, and I was comparing it to the calendar.... in fact, I'm sure I've done that.  But I thought I'd already recorded it in the blog, and I have not.  But I did a count tonight, and I'm about even for the month of January.  But I need to start making up for what I've missed in February.  And I need to remind myself the reason I need to do something everyday...  it's not so that I can actually [accidentally] create a masterpiece one day.  But you journal or paint or sketch every day so that you can get better.  It's the process, the learning that takes place.  Each day builds upon the previous day(s).  And any days spent away from that process, I feel, are like taking two steps backwards.  You don't just pick up where you left off...  

Keep at it, my dear -- talking to myself now...  Truck through it.  Keep artsing.  Keep fartsing.  Keep learning.  Keep growing.  Just keep on keepin' on...  :-)

And one last one... just playin'...

Monday, February 1, 2016

an emotional one + some coloring

Ugh - I know Life has to present crappiness so that we can appreciate the non-crappiness, but the crappiness still sucks really bad...

Just added color...